Our Mission and Vision
- Seeking to put God’s love into action, Habitat for Humanity brings people together to build homes, communities and hope.
- We envision a world where everyone has a decent and affordable place to live.
Who We Are
Founded in 1993, Habitat for Humanity of Greater Garland (HFHGG) is part of a global, nonprofit housing organization, Habitat for Humanity International (HFHI). Operating on Christian principles, Habitat of Greater Garland shares the mission of Habitat International, seeking to put God’s love into action by building homes, communities and hope. HFHGG is dedicated to eliminating substandard housing in Garland, Rowlett, Sachse, and worldwide through constructing, rehabilitating and *preserving homes, by advocating for fair and just housing policies, and by providing training and access to resources to help families improve their shelter conditions. Habitat for Humanity was founded on the conviction that every man, woman and child should have a simple, durable, and decent place to live in dignity and safety, and this should be a matter of conscience and action for all.
What We Build
- New construction on vacant or infill lots, or completely rehabbed homes.
- Completion of “School Houses” started by Garland ISD Building Trades
- Critical Home Repair/*Preservation of existing homes
HFHGG builds new homes and rehabs existing homes for new homeowners. Volunteer builders work alongside our partner families to complete each new or rehabbed home. All construction meets city building codes. HFHGG also partners with the Garland ISD Building Trades classes at Naaman Forest High School, Garland High School, and North Garland High Schools, and since 2003 works on a new Habitat home each year. Once near completion, these ‘school houses’ are moved to foundations on infill lots, and finished out by Habitat for Humanity volunteers and the partner family. We also enjoy a close working relationship with the City of Garland as well as a number of dedicated financial and building partners.
HFHGG started a robust Critical Home Repair program in 2017 and has since served over 100 households with safety, health, and other necessary critical repairs. We are proud to work with the Texas Veterans Commission (TVC) in serving our Military Veterans with repairs at no cost to the Veteran homeowner.
In 2020 HFHGG completed an exciting Veterans Build Initiative to preserve 3 houses built in the 1920’s. Through a collaborative effort with Veritex Bank, Garland Housing Finance Corp (GHFC), the City of Garland, and other corporate sponsors, Habitat of Greater Garland physically moved the 3 houses to new lots, rehabbed the houses, and made them into homes for Veterans of the United States Armed Forces.
Now underway is our Veterans Build Initiative II, a vision to build a Veterans Pocket Community of 15 homes and a Community Center in Garland.
Who We Serve
Each family we serve must meet three requirements: willingness to partner, ability to pay, and demonstrate a need for housing. We partner with families to build decent, safe, affordable, and energy efficient homes with affordable mortgages. Our program focuses on helping the families we serve become self-sufficient and constructive members of the community contributing to City, County, and School Taxes.
Partner families are selected for new homes through a Family Selection process. They must have lived or worked in Garland, Rowlett or Sachse for at least one year. Also, “Partner Families” must meet Habitat International’s qualifications: low-income, gainfully employed, credit worthy individuals, and willing to invest the sweat equity hours required to help build their home.
Our Impact
HFHGG has dedicated over 90 homes to deserving families since 1993. Our families are in the 30-80% median income range and could not secure a traditional mortgage. HFHGG offers them the opportunity to own a home of their own through our partnership program. Our homes are not given away. Families provide hundreds of sweat-equity hours helping build their home. Then the home is sold to the family with a 0% interest equivalent mortgage, making payments affordable. Habitat homes not only provide shelter but home ownership has shown to have long lasting impact and helps break the cycle of generational poverty. Children of homeowners, compared to those in poverty housing, are more likely to graduate from high school, have fewer behavior problems, and are less likely to rely on public assistance as adults.
Global Engagement
The mission of Habitat for Humanity is to serve the world until every man, woman and child has a decent place to live. To accomplish this Habitat Affiliates participate in the Habitat for Humanity International (HFHI) Tithe Program to support international builds in countries with extreme needs. Habitat for Humanity of Greater Garland tithes 10% of its non designated funds to HFHI every year to support builds like these in an effort to truly help all of God’s people in need. Through our annual tithe Habitat of Greater Garland has funded building projects in Kyrgyzstan, a small country in central Asia.