Tips and Tricks

November 2020

Habitat Accessible Bathroom Remodels


Allie Turck | Author Elyse Johnson | Editor Published 11/6/2020 Planning ADA Tips Conversion Options Grab Bars Shower Bar & Curtain ADA Vanity & Sink Toilet More than 80% of bathroom-related injuries are caused by slips and falls, mostly while getting in and out of the tub or shower. A majority of these falls lead to serious injuries and expensive hospital visits. Homes with the highest risk of these falls are most often in low income households that have been unable to renovate their home as they have aged. This leads to unsafe home environments especially as mobility becomes more difficult with age. Planning Our first steps when planning and designing a bathroom remodel is with questioning our homeowners based on Activities

Habitat Accessible Bathroom Remodels2020-11-07T04:16:26-06:00

October 2020

What Type of Flooring is Best for Your Home?


Allie Turck | Author Elyse Johnson | Editor Published 10/23/2020 The flooring throughout your home can have a large effect on your lifestyle, especially for people with mobility limitations, The majority of serious fall injuries occur in people over 65, and many of our 65+ population have stayed in their same home for prolonged periods of time. Because of these long periods of time with homeowners who are unable to repair or replace damaged or inadequate flooring, many of their homes are full of fall hazards. According to the CDC, each year, 3 million older people are treated in emergency departments for fall injuries. Over 800,000 of those people are hospitalized. With that large number, around 75% of the costs are shouldered by Medicare and Medicaid, which in 2015 totaled more than $50 Billion Dollars. There are plenty of different types of flooring

What Type of Flooring is Best for Your Home?2020-10-24T01:55:39-05:00
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