Meet Mrs. Simmons
Rich Buquet2020-10-27T19:42:10-05:00Allie Turck | Author Elyse Johnson | Editor Published 10/30/2020 Partner Contractors: All Pest Solutions Lone Star State Mitigation After the calamity of World War II, all around the country homes were built for the veterans returning home. Small, manufactured homes made simply and affordably. They were built specifically for those returning veterans and their families. One of those veteran families was Mr. Simmons, a WWII Army Systems Mechanic, and his wife Mrs. Simmons. They bought their home in 1953 for a total of $7,750 dollars, a staggeringly low price compared to today's housing market. Over the years, they were able to manage the upkeep of the house and raised their family in a happy, healthy home. Sadly, things have changed, Mrs. Simmons’ daughter recalls, “After my dad died and since my Mother has gotten a lot older she hasn’t been able to