
November 2020

My Internship Reflection


Elizabeth Lutz | Author Published 10/16/2020 Written 7/28/2020 My name is Elizabeth Lutz. I’m from Missouri and attend school in Illinois. Originally this summer, I planned to travel abroad to visit friends and family. Soon enough, my flights were cancelled and I was left with no summer plans. Knowing I’d be spending a lot of time at home, I looked online for ways to fill my time. I found an internship that did much more than that.  I began working for Habitat for Humanity of Greater Garland the day after my online classes ended. I dove into working 20 hours a week from the jump. My workload at first seemed daunting, but once I got a hang of the system, and finding pleasure and meaning in my work, I felt like time flew by. I’m still surprised now, as I write this

My Internship Reflection2020-11-12T20:29:18-06:00

Habitat Accessible Bathroom Remodels


Allie Turck | Author Elyse Johnson | Editor Published 11/6/2020 Planning ADA Tips Conversion Options Grab Bars Shower Bar & Curtain ADA Vanity & Sink Toilet More than 80% of bathroom-related injuries are caused by slips and falls, mostly while getting in and out of the tub or shower. A majority of these falls lead to serious injuries and expensive hospital visits. Homes with the highest risk of these falls are most often in low income households that have been unable to renovate their home as they have aged. This leads to unsafe home environments especially as mobility becomes more difficult with age. Planning Our first steps when planning and designing a bathroom remodel is with questioning our homeowners based on Activities

Habitat Accessible Bathroom Remodels2020-11-07T04:16:26-06:00

June 2020

Welcome to our blog!


Welcome to our blog! We are Habitat for Humanity of Greater Garland (HFHGG). We serve in Garland, Sachse, and Rowlett, Texas. Our mission is to put God's love into action by bringing people together to build homes, communities, and hope. How do we do this? We build new homes, repair existing homes, and sell lightly used home and construction products within our community in order to serve those who need it the most. What is Habitat for Humanity? Since the nonprofit’s founding in 1976, Habitat for Humanity has been partnering with families and communities to build homes for those who could otherwise not afford it. In 1993, Habitat for Humanity of Greater Garland became one of the 1,400 affiliates worldwide that share in HFH’s common vision: a world where everyone has a safe, affordable, and decent place to live. In the last 26 years, HFHGG has worked

Welcome to our blog!2020-07-01T18:09:36-05:00
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